Common Chat Terms


This article covers commonly used terms to know as it relates to using Mongoose Chat. 

Terms to Know

Student Engagement Platform

Mongoose is now a student engagement platform (or engagement platform) that includes two channels - text and webchat. Having these two channels within the same platform allows for you to engage your students and other audiences all in one place.


Text and Chat are the two channels that exist within the Mongoose Student Engagement Platform. A channel is essentially a product with a set of features.


Playbooks are the roadmap of a chatbot conversation that steer website visitors to their desired destination. 

Playbooks are built around certain topics and goals such as admissions and lead capture or enrollment and submitting a deposit.


If playbooks are roadmaps, think of flows as specific streets or routes.  They break up the playbook to deal with specific sections of a topic or goal. 

One flow can be specifically used for capturing information, another flow can be presenting admissions information. A visitor can transition between flows throughout an interaction.


Bot functionality is the automated conversation the system is set up to have with a site visitor. It is the persona (name and avatar) that site visitors engage with. 

Live Chat

Live chat is when a human/user from the school is looped into the conversation to connect with a website visitor chatting with the bot.


The widget is what site visitors see and engage with on the website - usually in the lower right hand corner of the website. 

Leads vs Contacts

Lead is a person’s contact information that is collected through the bot.

A contact is someone in Mongoose. A lead does not automatically become a contact in Mongoose. Leads from Chat need to be exported and imported into Text.

Text User vs Chat User

Text-only Users have no changes to access. Mongoose operates as normal.

Mongoose Admins automatically have access to Chat.

Mongoose Chat Users MUST be associated with a Text inbox. A User cannot currently be Chat-only.

Natural Language Understanding (NLU) 

Allows for visitors to free type questions or keywords to receive information that the menus may not have covered.

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