Chat Templates


Templates allow teams to have and use a set of pre-created messages that can be easily inserted when chatting with a site visitor. Templates not only help save time but help maintain consistency of messages across your team.

Templates can be created manually, or by using the AI Generated Template feature.

Note: Admins and users have the ability to create personal templates in Mongoose. Only Admins have the ability to create Shared templates for team-wide use.

Creating a Template

On the left side navigation, click on "Templates"

1. Navigate to Chat Templates and then "New Template"

2. Name your template: The name is how your template will appear.

3. Message: Create your message! You can insert emoji's to help personalize and customize your message.

4. Template type: There are two types of templates.

  • Mine: Mine are personal templates. Only the user who creates it can use and/or view the template. 
  • Team: Team templates are shared across all users in a team and can be used by any user. Only Admins can create team templates.  

Viewing and Editing Templates

A list of templates will be shown with information such as Created By, Created On, Updated date, Last Used date, and Type.  You can sort the list of templates by any of the column titles. 

To edit, archive, or delete a template, click the menu option (3 vertical dots)>Edit or Delete.

Personal templates are only visible to the template creator. Shared templates are able to be viewed by all users. 

Note: Any admin can delete a team template even if they are not the creator. 

Using a Template in Chat

Once a template has been created, users can select and send templates while chatting with site visitors.

When composing your chat reply, instead of manually typing a message, users can click "Template" to select their own personal templates or team templates in the reply area

Note: If the Template option is not available, that means there are no templates created and enabled for your team.

When you click "Templates" you are given the options of "Mine", "Team" and "All" to filter which templates to choose from. Use the search bar to narrow down the list of templates available.

The "Create New" option will take you out of the chat conversation and bring you to the "Templates" page in Mongoose. Your chat conversation will remain active even while you are in the Templates page. 

Once you choose a chat template, the message is able to be edited before you click "SEND"

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