Sending MMS Text Messages

Send MMS via Compose

To send MMS via Compose, select the contact(s) you would like to send a message to and click the MMS ("picture") icon. 

NOTE: To send MMS to a segment or pre-determined group of recipients, Bulk MMS must be turned on/enabled as an additional service for your team.

Click [Select File] to browse saved images on your computer. Images must be 5MB or smaller in order to be uploaded. Once you insert your image, select any fields, templates or emoji's that are needed and click [Next].

Preview your message and confirm by clicking  [Send Now].

Send MMS via Conversation

Select the contact that you would like to send a message to either by clicking [ Compose] or by going into a conversation you have with the contact.

Click the MMS icon to insert an image.

Click [Select File] to browse images saved on your computer. Images must be 5MB or smaller in order to be uploaded.

Once the image has been selected, you will see a preview. Insert any fields, templates or emoji's if needed. Once finished, click [Send].

Your message and MMS image will show up in your conversation view.

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