FTP Integration - Initial Setup and Configuration Page

Initial Setup

Navigate to " Team Name" > FTP Integration. If you have never configured the FTP integration before, the following screen will be presented:

Click [ Configure] to begin the initial setup.

Connection Settings

Begin by selecting your Protocol. FTP with Implicit SSL or SFTP are accepted.

For FTP with Implicit SSL:

- Enter in your server information.

- Enter the port number. By default, 990 is already provided.

- Enter a Username and Password and note the Mongoose IP Address, as it may be needed for white-listing for firewall access to your FTP server.

If you receive a failed connection error, please review the article located here.


- Enter in your server information.

- Enter the port number. By default, 22 is already provided.

- Enter a Username.

- Select an authentication method.

If SSH Public Key, note the public key that is displayed.  This key will need to be configured for the user on your SFTP server.

If Password, enter in the password.

- Note the Mongoose IP Address, as it may be needed for white-listing for firewall access to your FTP server.

If you receive a failed connection error, please review the article located here.


After your initial configuration is established, you will have access to a dashboard page. If you are setting up the integration for the first time, neither imports nor exports will be configured, so your dashboard will show that those items are waiting to be configured:

To continue to the next step of configuring the integration, click the following link: Imports

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