FTP Integration - Exports


From your dashboard, click on Configure Exports to begin.

Available Exports

There are three different types of exports that can be configured. All are optional and are configured and scheduled independently.

- Messages: Exports all message activity in the team (including actual text messages, contact/user involved, date/time and other information) since the last time you exported message activity via FTP.

- Opt-Outs: Exports all changes in texting preference (opted-in or opted-out) since the last time you exported texting preferences via FTP.

- Delivery Errors: Exports all message delivery errors across the entire team since the last time you exported delivery errors via FTP.

File Information

Before exports can begin, settings around the export file need to be established. Each export type has its own configuration settings.

- File Path: Enter a file path to establish where the export file will be placed on the FTP server.

- File Name: Enter a file name to establish how the file will be named on the FTP server.

- Column Delimiter: Select whether the export file should be comma separated or tab delimited.

- Date Date Type: Select a format for date values that exist in the import file.

- Additional File Options: Customize whether or not a timestamp will be appended to the file name, whether or not a new export file should overwrite an existing file with the same name, and whether or not you would like a header row included in the export file.

- Scheduled Daily Export: Exports can run up to 6 times per day.

Overnight: 3 - 5 AM
Morning: 10 AM - 12 PM
Afternoon: 2 - 4 PM
Evening: 6 - 8 PM

 And two additional custom times that can be added in addition to the 4 times above.

- Notification Emails (optional): Enter in an email address (or multiple email addresses, separated by a comma) to generate a notification email every time an export file has been transferred via FTP.

Field Mapping

This section allows you to map the data fields related to the export to a corresponding column in the export file. 

Choose the Mongoose Field from the dropdown on the left hand side, then type in what that field should be named in the export file. The name you type in will become the name of the column header (if you have chosen to include a column header in your export file).

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