Sent Message Details


Sent message details give you greater insight into the results of the messages you send out by tracking delivery rates, reply rates, and monitoring individual recipients. This article will explain where to find sent message details and how to review the page.

Locating Sent Message Details

After you send a message, navigate to your Messages area of the inbox you want to view (if wanting to view a shared inbox, click on that inbox name). 

Click  Sent to display a list of messages you have sent, then click on the actual message to view details.

Note: The last 120 days or 100 most recent message batches you sent will be viewable (including one-off messages and messages sent to segments of contacts); details will no longer be displayed for messages you sent prior to that, however, you can still find those actual messages/conversations on your Inbox/Archived pages.

The Basics

When viewing sent message details, you will see primary information at the top of the page:

  • To: Name of the recipient or the segment that you sent to
  • From: Account the message was sent from (this comes into play if you are in a shared inbox)
  • Sent: Provides the start and end time for how long it took to send your message
  • Team: Name of the team the message was sent in.
  • Smart Message and Campaign information will be displayed if applicable. 

Below the primary details is information around the delivery of the message.

  • Sent: The number of recipients sent a message.
  • Delivered
    • Percentage of sent messages that were delivered
    • Actual number of individual messages delivered
  • Replied:
    • Percentage of your recipients that replied
    • Actual number of recipients that replied

Recipients List, Filtering, and Exporting

Beneath the basic details, you can view the list of recipients and also use filters to see specific sets of recipients based on the results of the message. The option to export data is also available.

If a smart message was sent, you'll see columns providing information on their response and response category.

The list of recipients, by default, will show you everyone the message was sent to. Name, number, and message sent date/time are provided.

  • Use the search box to find a specific contact in the list of recipients.
  • The Filter by dropdown allows you to filter the recipient list by the following: All Recipients, Delivered, Not Delivered, Replied, Did Not Reply.
  • The Replied filter tracks replies received in the 24 hours after the message was sent; it does not take into account replies received after 24 hours.
  • Perform bulk actions by checking the box to the left of any recipient.
  • Click on the recipient's name to see your full conversation history with the recipient.
  • Clicking Export will allow you to view/save a file based on your current recipient view. You can export all recipients or a filtered list (based on any filter applied to the list).
  • Exports do not include the actual text message replies you received. To see specific replies, search for the recipient on your Inbox or Archived page.

Note: If you would like to follow up with one of your filtered lists of recipients (e.g., all of the recipients that did not reply), you can easily export the list and then create an Identifier-Based Segment to send them another message. Please make sure you are viewing the correct team in Cadence when creating the segment; click your initial in the upper right hand corner to switch teams if you are in more than one team.

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