Chat FAQs

Mongoose Chat FAQs

This article will cover FAQs for:

  • Mongoose Chat
  • Live chat/follow up scenarios
  • Technical/installation

Mongoose Chat FAQs

Does the system check that the mobile number is valid? 

Yes, when a mobile number is given in Chat, the system checks the format of the number first, then uses number validation to make sure it’s a mobile number. By the way, the flow also checks the proper formatting of email addresses and dates, giving visitors a couple of tries before offering assistance - helping our clients keep their data clean.

How does Chat collect consent to text?

Within the Chat flow, if a contact chooses to provide their mobile number, they will automatically be followed up with a "Consent to Text" message in which they must select "Yes" or "No". This will be stored within the Chat details.

If a contact is opted out in Mongoose, can a text be sent to them? 

No, Mongoose Chat does not change Opt-Out status of a contact for Mongoose Text. If a contact in Mongoose Text is opted out, they will remain opted out even if they consented to being texted within the Chat flow. The system will not allow a text to go to an opted-out contact. We encourage clients to export their Chat leads with consent values often and to manage opt-ins in their system of record.

How do we handle old consent values and previously stored mobile numbers?

When a conversation starts, if the system sees that the consent timestamp for the visitor is over 12 months old, it will clear the consent value from a Chat visitor record so that they are not texted without recent consent.

What if a visitor prefers another communication method? When a visitor is leaving their information for follow-up, we ask them if they prefer text, email or phone call - this preference is displayed to the Mongoose user in the Details pane. 

How will a user be notified when a visitor requests to live chat?

A user will be notified by:

- Multi-tonal Audio Cue
- Badge on the “My Conversations” section header
- Badge next to “Chat” on the main side bar menu
- Badge over avatar
- Badge over team in drop down (if in multiple teams)
- (1) flashes on tab for each new conversation
- In the My Conversations section, the conversation will
be bolded with each new conversation

How can I find the users who requested a follow-up?

All visitors who were marked as follow-up will appear in the "Follow Ups" section. 

Conversation Time Out

A conversation will be marked as Closed after 20 minutes of inactivity.

Live Chat/Follow-Up Scenarios

How does a user get assigned to live chat?

Users must be marked as available in order to be routed into a live chat with a site visitor. If multiple users are available at the same time, users will be routed in with a round-robin format.

What happens if no one on our team is available to live chat?

The bot will automatically check to see if anyone on your team is available to live chat before offering it as an option to the visitor. If that happens, the visitor will be marked for follow-up and the bot will collect their information for you to reach out to later.

What happens if one of our users doesn’t join the live chat when it’s requested?

When a visitor requests to live chat and an available user doesn’t respond within one minute (default), the bot will then flag that visitor to be a follow-up request. 

How many visitors can a user live chat with at once?

As many as you can handle! If you’re experiencing a lot of volume, you can mark yourself unavailable so that there won’t be any new visitors added to your live chat queue and you’ll still be able to continue chatting with the visitors you’ve started conversations with.

What kind of information does Mongoose Chat collect from visitors?

When collecting information for live chat or follow-up, the bot will collect the visitors:

  • Name (First and Last)
  • Email address
  • Mobile number (Followed by consent to text)
  • Visitor type
  • Student type 
  • Topic or question that the visitor is looking to learn more about when looking for a follow-up. 
  • Preferred contact method for follow up.
  • Any additional client fields required for CRM imports

Can anyone with a Mongoose number live chat?

Any member on the designated team will be able to see Chat as an option within Mongoose. Admins from each team can also designate which users can see Chat as an option. Each user must have access to an inbox whether it’s their personal or a shared one.

Technical FAQs

How is Chat installed on my website?

Mongoose chat is installed using a javascript short code snippet. The short snippet will be placed on the code for each individual URL identified during the onboarding process. 

Why isn’t my chat widget showing up on my website?

This could be a few issues. Start with clearing your cache on your web browser. Then also make sure you’re on one of the pre-determined URLs that were discussed during your onboarding along with your Implementation Specialist. 

Can I install the code using Google tag manager (GTM)? 

Yes! Instructions can be found on the installation document that will be provided to you by your Implementation Specialist

What pages of my school’s website will the bot be on?

The bot will primarily live on the relevant URLS which will be assessed by your Implementation Specialist.

What will the bot look like?

You will be able to pick the bot’s name, provide an avatar, and choose the primary color to match your website. Your implementation specialist will need your decision on the name a high resolution image for your avatar, and the hexadecimal color code for your primary color.

Is Mongoose Chat compliant?

Yes! Please reach out to your client success lead if you have questions regarding RFPs, security/privacy, and/or HECVAT, SOC2 or VPAT.

What integration options are available for Chat?

Mongoose allows for on-demand and automated email exports in a secure .csv file format. As a best practice, we recommend using the automatic export feature and uploading the exports into your CRM on a regular basis so that your CRM always has the most accurate data. 

What if there are duplicates in the export? 

    • You will work with your Implementation Specialist to ensure that a unique identifier is collected for each chat lead. 
    • When you upload the Chat export into your CRM and an existing contact matches the unique identifier, we recommend following your current duplication process of merging or updating the contact record. 
    • For tracking purposes, we recommend adding a property or some sort of indication on the contact record to know that they chatted with your bot. For example “Chat Interaction” 
    • If there is an existing text contact in a chat export and that is then uploaded into Text, the existing contact record will be updated.

Does a contact duplicate if chat to text?

No. The chat information will connect with the Text contact record as long as the mobile numbers match. Data will not be overwritten from the Text contact record, but missing fields will be updated with the provided chat information. For example: if a student is opted out of texting but then chats online and opts in through the bot, they will still be opted out because the Chat information will not override the existing Text contact information.

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