AI Generated Text Template


The ability for AI to generate templates saves time by taking simple prompts and writing a compelling message you can use when texting. For general template information, please see text message templates.

Note: Admins and users have the ability to create personal templates in Mongoose. Only Admins have the ability to create Shared templates for team-wide use.

Generating a message using AI

On the left side navigation, click on "Templates". Select "New Template." 

1. Name your template.

2. Before typing a message, click the purple diamonds icon

The AI Suggested Reply will pop up and you will give the AI bot some information about what you want in your template. You can include things such as the department, tone, variable fields and length. 

To choose a different variation of the message, click the "Try Again" refresh icon for a new generated response.

3. When you find a generated template that you like, click "insert" and the message will be added to the text box of the template. 

4. Choose a template type (Mine or Team -- a team template can be used by anyone in your team and can only be created by admins) and CREATE. 

The template can then be inserted into Compose or text conversations. 

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