Send as Assigned User


Send as assigned user is a function available to Admin users allowing them to send text messages on behalf of other users on the team.

When enabled, even though the Admin is initiating the text message, the message will actually be sent from the specific user's Mongoose phone number. All responses and subsequent messages will be managed in the user's Messages Inbox.

Note: In order to utilize this function, StaffId must be imported on your contact records to establish which user is connected to each contact. If you send to a contact without Send as assigned user enabled, or you have it enabled but are not storing StaffId on the contact record, the message will come from you.

If you are using this function in conjunction with Auto Reply,  make sure all users have set up and enabled their auto reply keywords otherwise any incoming keywords may not be recognized.

The Send to my assigned contacts only option must be unchecked in order to utilize the Send as assigned user function.

When to Utilize Send as Assigned User

The Send as assigned user function can be utilized when a Admin is asked to initiate a text "campaign" or other large-scale communication. Admins can send texts to large groups of contacts and have each text appear as if it has been sent from the user associated with the contact in Mongoose.

Additionally, Admins can initiate a text on behalf of another user to begin the conversation for the user. 

Note: With Send as assigned user enabled, clicking [Next] will show you how the text will appear to a random recipient on your list (if you are sending to multiple contacts). If there is only one recipient, it will show you how the text will appear for that individual.

Overall Advantages

  • The text will come from the user's unique phone number and any replies will come to that specific user and moved in his/her inbox. 
  • Admins can ensure that text messages sent to larger lists of contacts are clear and complete. They can also ensure that the correct group of contacts are on the list.
  • After initial outreach, each user is responsible for the conversation with each recipient going forward. This keeps the Admin's inbox clear while also avoiding potential  carrier violations due to too many text messages being sent from the same phone number at once.
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