Create a Web User Account in Radius


A Radius administrator can create any number of Web Services accounts. Each account is unique and provides the user with credentials that must be utilized to execute a successful Web Service transaction.

1. Navigate to the Web Services
Navigate and click on Setup. The link can be found in the upper-right portion of the Radius user interface. Web Services is accessible via Organization Settings.

Upon entering the Web Service menu, the user is presented with a listing of all created accounts.

2. Click the New Web Service button
The creation of the Web Service consists of two sections of information: Web Service Information and Assignment Rules.

3. Create a Web Service Name
The Web Service name is an open field and allows for a variety of names. This is a required field and it is recommended that it follows a naming convention that will allow for effective management of the Web Service accounts.
Each Web Service account is required to be assigned to a Radius user. By default, this value is assigned to the user who creates the account. This relationship determines the system permissions affiliated with the new Web Service. 
In creating a new Web Service account, the administrator changes the assigned user. This user has limited permissions within Radius, and therefore, the Web Service account will inherit the permission level of the assigned user.
Note: Ensure the permission level of the assigned user account corresponds with the permission level the Web Service account requires.

4. Assignment Rules
By default, the system will set the Assignment Rules to the Radius user who creates the Web Services account. Similar to the process of creating a contact record, the user can determine whether she owns the record, or the newly created record is routed to another user with Assignment Rules.
Web Service assignment rules determine how new contacts, inquiries, leads, notes, etc., will be routed.  

5. Saving the Web Service Account
Click the save button to finish the creation of the account. Upon a successful creation, the user is presented with the following screen:

Each Web Service account is provided a set of unique credentials that are required to utilize the functionality. As noted in the confirmation message, it will only be displayed one time.  
Campus Management highly recommends that users immediately record these credentials, as well as utilize a secondary method such as a screenshot.
In the event the account credentials are lost, it is possible to generate a new set: 
  • Navigate to the Web Services account list.
  • Click on the name of the Web Service account.
  • Click the Edit button at the top of the menu.
  • Make changes if desired and click the "Save and Generate New Credentials" button.
  • Record new credentials and provide to account user.
Once a Web Services account has been created, the user has the appropriate credentials needed to access Radius.  Generating new credentials invalidates the old credentials.
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