Radius Integration - Contact Import Page
Import Schedule
Data imports can be scheduled to automatically occur nightly or you can manually initiate an import at any time.
- Enable Nightly Import will automatically import changed/new records overnight from your import target. Overnight imports occur between 1:00 a.m. - 4:00 a.m. Eastern Time.
- Clicking [Import All] will manually initiate an import of all contacts in your import target. Note that this will not interrupt the automatic overnight import if you have that enabled; it will still run as expected.
- Clicking [Import Changes] will manually initiate an import of records that have been changed or added to your import target since the previous import. Note that this too will not interrupt the automatic overnight import if you have that enabled.
Clicking View Import Log will allow you to see a summary of your last 15 imports.
Note: We recommend enabling the nightly import only when you have completed the entire Radius configuration.
A notification email address (or multiple email addresses separated by commas) can be specified to receive a message when an import is completed. The email will indicate how many records were attempted on the import, how many records were successfully imported, and how many records generated an error. If there are error records, a file will be attached specifying which records generated an error and what caused the issue.
Standard Fields
All fields are pulled from the contact record in Radius. The Radius entity ID will automatically come over and be shown as the ContactId on each record in Mongoose.
Of the four Mongoose required fields, only First Name, Last Name, and Mobile Number need to be mapped to specific fields in Radius.
Note: You must specifically store mobile numbers in Radius on the contact record. These numbers must be in one Radius field and contain 10 digits including area code (or 11 digits if the number starts with a 1). Phone numbers can include dashes, parentheses, or spaces.
There are three optional toggles that reference specific fields on each contact's record in Radius. You can decide which, if any, you want to bring into Mongoose.
1. Load Current Employer
2. Load Lifecycle Role/Stage
3. Load Most Recently Attended School
User Identification can be set to None, Contact Owner, or Full Name in Custom Field depending on where your campus stores Staff ID in Radius and whether or not you want contacts assigned to specific users in Mongoose.
Note: If you use Full Name in Custom Field, you will need to specify which field the information is stored in. The value in the field must be the individual's full name and that person must be a Radius user, as we will look to verify this using their Entity ID.
Additional Fields
The Additional Fields section is where you can determine which fields on the contact record you will bring into Mongoose.
The Select Radius Field drop-down list will populate with fields from the contact record in Radius, while the Select Mongoose Field drop-down list will populate with the fields you set up on the Fields page.
Note: In order for a field to appear as an option under Select Mongoose Field, it must first be configured on the Fields page.
Opt-Out Field
The Opt-Out Field allows you to select the contact field where SMS Status is stored in Radius. That field needs to exist on the contact record in Radius so that Mongoose can update it if opt out status changes.
We recommend setting up a pickist in Radius for opt-out data. The picklist should contain values corresponding to how SMS Status is stored in Radius. Some examples of values include "True", "False", "Yes", "No", "Opted in", "Opted out", or blank (null). You can also use a checkbox field type instead of a picklist.
You can set the values associated with the opt-out contact field in Radius by typing in valid values in the Opted-In Value and Opted-Out Value text boxes. Note that the integration reads the actual value stored in the field.
You can also select how you want to treat an empty value whether it is considered opted-in or opted-out.
Targets and Nightly Import
In order to determine which contacts you will be importing into Mongoose, a target must be created in Radius and include all of the contacts who match your import criteria. After that target is created, it will automatically appear in the Load Contacts from drop-down list.
In order to complete the import configuration, a target must be selected from the drop-down list. Click [ Preview] to see how many contacts will be imported from the target.
To continue to the next step of configuring the integration, click the following link: Messages Page