Connect Integration - Contact Import Page

Standard Fields

All fields are pulled from the contact record in Connect. We use the Connect Contact ID as the contacts unique identifier in Mongoose. 

Of the four Mongoose required fields, only First Name, Last Name, and Mobile Number need to be mapped to specific fields in Connect; the integration already knows where to find Contact ID (i.e., it automatically finds the Contact ID in Connect).
If a contact in Connect has a blank value in the field you specify as the User Identification, Mongoose will still import that contact, but the contact will not be assigned to any specific users in Mongoose.
The User Identification field looks at the actual value within the attribute in Connect, so it is important to also make sure the User ID on your Mongoose user accounts matches each person's User ID value in Connect. 
Note: You must specifically store mobile numbers in Connect on the contact record. These numbers must be in one Connect field and contain 10 digits including area code. Phone numbers can include dashes, parentheses, or spaces.

Opt-Out Field

This area allows you to specify the name of the contact field where SMS Status is stored in Connect. The field needs to exist on the contact record in Connect so that Mongoose can update it if a contact's opt out status changes.
You can set the specific Opted-In Value and Opted-Out Value to match how that information is stored in Connect.
You can also toggle whether or not an empty contact field is equivalent to an opt in.

Additional Fields

The Additional Fields section is where you can determine which fields on the contact record you will bring into Mongoose. The Contact Field text box is where you can enter in the name of the field/attribute you want to import from the contact record in Connect.
The  Mongoose  Field drop-down list will populate with the fields you set up on the  Fields page.
If the field you are importing allows for multiple values, or would like the display name shown please enable the Has List option (marked YES).
Note: In order for a field to appear as an option under  Mongoose Field, it must first be configured on the Fields page.

Criteria and Source Code

To determine which contacts are imported from Connect, create a filter to include the applicable contacts. If desired, you can add multiple filters. The integration uses the numeric filter ID from Connect to determine which filter to import. See additional information on how to locate the filter ID here.
Connect uses source codes to specify the source of changes made to contact records. To note changes made by Mongoose, you need to first create a custom source code in Connect and then select it in the drop-down list.

Nightly Import and Notification

We recommend enabling nightly imports. If toggled on, any new or changed contact records in Connect will be imported into Mongoose each night between 1:00 a.m. - 4:00 a.m. Eastern Time. This is all based on the fields and filter(s) you set up in Mongoose, so it will modify/add records that match the criteria for importing. The integration uses modified date in Connect to determine which contacts to import/update.

Under Notification, you can identify an email address (or multiple email addresses) that will receive a notification each time an import is completed. The email will contain information on the number of contacts that fit the import criteria, the number of successfully imported contacts, and the number of contacts that encountered import errors (if applicable). Errors are specified in an attached spreadsheet.

To continue to the next step of configuring the integration, click the following link:  Messages Page
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