Update Mobile Number


Each contact record in Mongoose is required to have a unique identifier (stored as the MobileNumber). There are two ways that Admin users can update this field on existing contact records.

To Update Records One at a Time

1. Navigate to Contacts > Search.

2. Search for the contact you would like to update, click the dots to the right of the record, and select [View] from the drop-down menu.

3. Once on the contact detail page, click the three dot menu in the upper right corner> [Edit]

4. Enter in the new mobile number and click [ Update].

Note: You can also update the StudentId/ContactId from this screen.

Update multiple records in bulk via manual import

There are two methods for manually importing contact data into Mongoose. you can choose a file upload or choose a copy/paste option.

1. Navigate to "Team Name">Data Management

2. Choose your desired import method: File Upload or Copy & Paste

3. Decide if you would like your import to update mobile numbers on existing record. If you check the box next to "Allow Mobile Number Updates", you can change the mobile number on an existing record in the team as long as no other records in the team already have that updated mobile number.

If you aren't changing any mobile numbers in your import or you want to prevent mobile numbers from being changed, keep the box unchecked.

File Upload:


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