Ethos Integration - Banner - Import Settings
Import Settings
From your dashboard page (located under Team Name > Ethos), click Import Settings to begin setting up your import fields. This page will set the rules around the data you will be importing.
Set Import Source, Schedule, and Email Notification
Select a Source for your imports. For Banner, this should be a pre-configured Person Filter that you create within Banner that contains all contacts you want to import into Mongoose. Available Person Filters will automatically show up in the dropdown list.
Mongoose will attempt to import the records in the selected Person Filter when your import is triggered.
Configure an import schedule (up to four imports per day) and a notification email that will be sent after any import is completed.
Field Mapping
Standard Fields
Under Field Mapping, select a Name Type and Mobile Number. This will map name and mobile number data from the Person Object to the corresponding fields in Mongoose.
Note: Ethos ID will automatically be imported into the ContactId field on each contact's Mongoose record.
Running an Import
From your dashboard page (located under Team Name > Ethos), click [Import All] to initiate an import. Your import will appear in the Import Log area and the status and results will update when it is completed.
Optionally, if you would ever like to run an import outside of the integration (e.g., import records that are not in Banner or Ethos), you can click File Import to run a manual import. Please see our article on how to Manually Import Contacts Into Mongoose for more information.
Monitoring Imports
From your dashboard page (located under Team Name > Ethos), you can see a list of recent imports from the last 15 days. A summary of total records, success records, and error records will be provided. If you would like to see specific records in the totals, click the number and a file will be generated from your browser.
For additional information on the integration as well as FAQs, click the following link: Ethos Integration - FAQ and Requirements