Contact Conversation History

Would you like to see all conversations that a contact has had within your team? 

Conversation history provides a view of all message history for a contact and will show every text a contact has sent or received from any inbox within a team. Users can view a chronological timeline of message activity to be able to easily identify each user/team member or inbox that has corresponded with the contact, the message content and date/time for an overall look into that contact's texting history. 

Note: Conversation history only displays two years of message history. All message history (outside of this 2 year window) can be exported under Reports>Message Activity.

New features have been released since this video was made. Some of the settings and interface shown may not completely match the current state of the platform.

Contact Profile

The contact profile is where you'll find the conversation history. This profile provides an overall view of the contact where you'll be able to see the contact information, activity details, custom fields and message history. You also maintain the ability to manage the contact's opt out preference or block the contact from this page.

The conversation history is view-only, meaning campaigns or other message information cannot be edited here. To change a campaign, navigate to the inbox and update the data accordingly. Keep in mind, the history view is like a snapshot in time and any changes will not be reflected in this view. 

Use conversation history to maintain message continuity with your contacts when a team member is on vacation or out of office, avoid redundant messaging, or to verify that a message was sent to a particular contact.

To message a contact from this profile page, click the three vertical dots and then "Message".

To export a contacts individual messaging history, click  Export All. 

Note: This export only contains the most recent 2 years of message activity. The file will download within your browser. 

How to view a contact's message history:

There are two ways you can view a contact's message history. 

  • Contact details within the conversation view
  • Contacts page

Contact details area of the conversation view.

Within a conversation with a contact, expand the conversation details. At the bottom of the details panel, click "View Message History".

Contacts page

You can also search for a contact via the Contacts page.  Within the search bar, search for a contact>Click on the name of the contact to view their message history.


What is the difference between convo view and conversation history?

The conversation view is the actual conversation area of a contact within the inbox/messages. You can reply to a contact from the conversation view and add/edit tags. It reflects message activity that your personal, shared or high speed inbox are having with a contact in real time. 

Conversation history is a snapshot of all message activity in a timeline view. Conversation history will be slightly delayed and will display information (campaign tags, auto reply etc..) as they were when the message was sent. 

Why is my campaign tag not updating on conversation history?

Conversation history will only show a timeline of the message content based on the information/settings when the message was sent.  The history view is like a snapshot in time and any changes will not be reflected in this view.

To change a campaign, navigate to the inbox and update the data accordingly.

I don't see all of my contacts conversation history..where is it?

Conversation history only displays and exports 2 years of message activity. For any message activity tied to that contact that is older than 2 years, click on Reports>Export Message Activity.

I just sent a message and I don't see it?

There will be a delay between incoming/outgoing messages and conversation history. Try refreshing your browser! 

For real time/updated message information, use the inbox/messages area or conversation view. Use conversation history to maintain message continuity with your contacts when a team member is on vacation or out of office, avoid redundant messaging, or to verify that a message was sent to a particular contact.

A message went undelivered. Why don't I see that in the contact's conversation history?

Currently, undelivered messages are not shown within the conversation history however, it will still be shown within the messages area (inbox/sent/archived).

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