Chat CodeSnippet Installation


The most common way to install Mongoose Chat on your website is through direct injection of your personalized Javascript snippet.


Paste the code just before the end of the </head> section of your website’s back end. 

For example:

This code needs to be present on each URL your Implementation Specialist provides and will be where you ultimately want the chatbot to show. Where the bot or widget fires will be determined by the installation of this code on the page, so having the code on a page of your website will make the bot appear on the page.

Installing the code on the URLs provided by your Implementation Specialist must be done when the bot is complete and your team is ready to make Mongoose Chat appear for your site visitors.  

Google Tag Manager Support: 

In order to get Google Tag Manager working, line 12 and line 15 of the embed code above must be slightly reworked. The keywords let and const must be replaced with the keyword var. Here are the updated lines for GTM to work properly:

var el0 = document.createElement("script");  - Line 12

var fse1 = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];  - Line 15


If there is a non-public page on your website that can be used for testing, please ensure the code is installed on this URL and share it with Mongoose.  We will test the chatbot and ensure that the installation was successful.  This non-public page can be used for specific chatbot testing during the final stage before launch as well if it can be kept live.

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