Ellucian Recruit Integration - Authentication

Initial Setup

Navigate to "Team Name" > Recruit Integration. 

If you have never configured the Recruit integration before, the following screen will be presented:

Click [ Configure] to begin the initial setup.

Recruit Connection Settings

Click on  Recruit Settings to configure authentication. Authentication requires an account in the Ellucian ADADMIN domain that has access to both your test and production instances. 

NOTE: The ADADMIN domain is only supported with service accounts or api accounts. If you do not have a service account (ADADMIN\svc_) or API account (ADADMIN\api_) you will need to request a new service account from Ellucian. Ellucian will then provide credentials.

Fill in your Username, Password, ADFS Root URL will be prefilled, and your CRM Root URL from Recruit.

By default, Mongoose will pre-fill the ADFS Root URL to be for a production environment. Please make sure the correct environment ADFS URL is in the Authentication settings.

Once testing is completed, make sure to change the Root URL back to the production URL https://adfs4produs01.elluciancloud.com/

Note: If you encounter authorization errors, make sure there isn't anything additional past the trailing slash after the host

Notification Emails

To receive email notifications around integration failures (connection to Recruit, password expiration etc..) or daily import notifications, please enter an email address (or multiple) for those who should receive those notifications.

Click [ Save]

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