Ellucian Recruit Integration - Exports
Setting up a new Activity Code in Recruit
In order to have Mongoose text messages show up in Recruit, our integration utilizes the custom message activity entity that Ellucian ships with Recruit. This data will appear in Recruit in the existing Activities feed for the contact and related opportunity.
In order to receive message activity in Recruit, you will need to create an Activity Code to associate to the texting activities we will create through the integration.
Please keep the Activity Code handy, as you will need it to configure message activity in the corresponding next steps.
An example:
Configuring Exports
Exports is where you'll configure text message exports to Recruit using the Activity Code you created in the steps above. You can also choose to export opt out changes.
Click on Exports and then Export Settings
Within Export Settings:
- Select the checkboxes to enable message activity exports and opt-out status change exports
- If Opt-Out status changes is selected, Mongoose will update Recruit with any changes in opt out status that occur in real-time.
- Include the Activity Code you set up in Recruit in the previous step
- Once complete, click [Save]
Export Error Logs
The Exports tab provides a designated Error Log tracking area should Mongoose encounter any issues when exporting message activity back to Recruit.
Please reach out to support@hellomongoose.com if you have any questions troubleshooting the export errors.
Message activity isn't going back to Recruit
1. Make sure that each Mongoose User's UserID is set to the Recruit User GUID. (Example GUID: 7C86C8DB-DCB9-EC11-A974-E7AA11D4AA25)
2. Make sure that the Activity Code is correct within the Recruit Export Settings