A2P Campaign Registration

Twilio A2P Campaign Registry Update (July 5th, 2023)

Twilio recently has announced the first in a sweeping series of new compliance measures for A2P (application-to-person) communication. This follows their 2021 introduction of 10DLC registration options, and it serves as the next step in Twilio’s and mobile carriers effort to create a fully-verified U.S. messaging ecosystem.

This article will cover:

  • Update to A2P Campaign Registry (July 5th, 2023)
  • Who is Twilio?
  • What is Campaign Registration?
  • What this means for you

Update to A2P Campaign Registry

As of July 2023 all major U.S. telecommunications carriers will begin shutting down unregistered, non-compliant 10DLC messages to U.S. phone numbers. This means that wireless carriers now have the ability to block A2P (application-to-person) communication based on their perceptions of the trustworthiness of those messages. 

Starting July 5thall unregistered campaign traffic will be blocked.

Mongoose remains committed to helping ensure the best deliverability possible for your messages by making sure your campaigns are registered with Twilio. You will now see guidance as you create new inboxes within Mongoose that reflect this registration process, the status of your registration, along with measures in place to ensure that messages cannot be sent from inboxes that are unregistered.

Once Mongoose has submitted your campaign(s) to Twilio, your campaign(s) are placed into a "In-progress/Pending" status and vetted by Twilio and a third party.  This vetting process for campaign registration is to combat fraud and ensure that the messages being sent via A2P are coming from trusted sources.

This process does take some time. Twilio originally expected the vetting process to take 7+ days to complete however, due to a high number of submissions from companies like Mongoose, Twilio has announced that the process is taking anywhere from 2-4+ weeks. We hope to hear from Twilio when this process will decrease back to the originally 7 day time period and will keep you updated when we hear more information. 

What this means is that while your registration for personal and shared inboxes is "in progress", you will be unable to send messages until registration is complete.

More info and resources:

Mongoose Compliance Checklist

Mongoose Texting Compliance Questions

Information from Twilio regarding A2P Registration

The Changing Landscape of SMS Compliance-FYI (For Your Institution) Podcast Episode

Who is Twilio?

Twilio is one of the largest SMS gateway providers and handles the relationship between companies like Mongoose and the carriers (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint etc…) All messages sent to and from Mongoose are routed through Twilio which requires Mongoose to be in compliance with carriers and regulations. Other text messaging providers similar to Mongoose are also required to be in compliance.

What is Campaign Registration?

A campaign provides information to Twilio such as the types of content/texts that are going to be sent from the numbers within the campaign. The campaign is what Twilio looks at for activity, throttling, and spam filtering.

Campaign registration happens on two different levels in Mongoose:

  • Personal Inboxes
  • Shared Inboxes

Personal Inboxes are all registered under a single campaign registration for the organization. This registration is created and starts the registration process when the organization is first created.

For example:

Shared Inbox registration is held at the team level within Mongoose, so each team has its own campaign registration. When the first shared inbox in a team is created, it will start the campaign registration process for that team. 

For example:

Each of the above noted campaign registrations will be required to go through that vetting process. What this means is that while your registration for personal and shared inboxes is in progress, sending messages may subject your inbox to higher filtering/undelivered errors.  

What does this mean for you?

For new organizations that are just using Mongoose for the first time (your org was just created by Mongoose):

  • For brand new teams and/or the first shared inbox in a team, you will see in-product guidance that will allow you to create the inbox but until registration is complete, you will not be able to send messages from it. 

For current clients (not brand new)

  • Your personal inboxes are registered.
  • Any shared inboxes currently "Pending" will be able to send messages. Note that you may see an increase in filtering while your inboxes are being registered.
  • For brand new teams and/or the first shared inbox in a team, you will see in-product notification that will allow you to create the inbox but until registration is complete, you will not be able to send messages from it. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Client Success Lead and/or our support team (support@hellomongoose.com)

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