Chat Contact Information Capturing
Contact Chat Details
For every chat conversation, Mongoose collects information from contacts. The Chat Bot will collect basic contact information on any contact/visitor that asks to join a "live chat" or for "follow up."
You have a variety of choices to collect contact information from chats:
- Standard fields:
- Name (First and Last)
- Email address
- Mobile phone number (Followed by consent to text)
- Schools can add fields that work best for their teams, such as:
- Visitor Type (current student, prospective student, applicant, parent...etc.)
- Student Type (transfer student, freshman, grad student...etc.)
- Topic/question that the visitor is looking to learn more about when looking for a follow-up.
- When chat contacts provide their information, Mongoose validates the information to make sure the format is correct.
- Email addresses are checked for correct format
- Mobile phone numbers are checked for correct format, and checked to ensure it is an active US mobile number
- Dates are checked for proper format (example: birth date)
- Mongoose Chat Details also shows location.
- Location - The location is determined based on the location of the IP Address of the contact. This location may not be 100% accurate as it's based on IP look up data.
- The chat bot asks for consent to text after the chat conversation is over.
- Consent to Text - If a contact provides their mobile number in the chat, the contact must provide consent (yes/no) to text.
Note: Mongoose Chat does not change the Opt Out status for a contact in Mongoose Text. If a contact is Opted Out in MongooseText, their Opt Out status will not be changed even if the contact consented to being texted within the Chat flow. See Best Practices below for how to manage these contacts.
- Page History
- Provides context to where on your website the Chat started.
The collected information on the contact/visitor is displayed under the Details area within the Chat conversation.
Editing Contact Chat Details
After the chat conversation is over, users have the ability to edit the site visitor details if new information has been collected. Before the edit option is available, you must "end" the conversation.
Once the conversation has ended, to edit site visitor information, click "Edit".
Users can edit/update any of the of site visitor details that were collected by the chat bot. Once finished, click "UPDATE".