What is the recommended length of a text message?

When texting, you want to make sure that the information your contacts receive is important, relevant and engaging. You should always keep in mind how your message might look to the recipient. Typically, anything over 306 characters would look overwhelming on a mobile phone screen.  

When sending messages through Compose, Mongoose has a 306 character limit. However, we understand there are scenarios where contacts might just need more information to get answers to their questions. 

The blue bar is a length indicator to let you know when you are getting close to the character limit. 

For that reason, messages that are sent within the conversation view (in response) to the contact have a 1,500 character limit. Providing the ability to send more information when needed. 

Here is a preview of what a message would look like to a recipient:

Why is there a limit on the number of allowed characters?
1. Carriers could recognize lengthy text messages as spam and temporarily (or sometimes permanently) block your phone number. Carriers such as AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, T-Mobile, etc., have a responsibility to their customers to protect them from potentially harmful content or spam messages.
2. Contacts might not receive it well (i.e., they are less likely to read the message and be receptive to it if it looks like an essay on the screen).
3. Some carriers and devices split up text message content. We unfortunately have no control in how they display message content to their customers.
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