Resolve and Avoid Identifier-Based Segment Errors

Best Practices for Creating Identifier-Based Segments

Decide if you will use Mobile Number or ContactID as the identifier to determine which contacts are included in the segment. Note that only one may be used at a time.

Ensure that you have a secondary data source (e.g., Excel spreadsheet, .CSV file, etc.) that only includes valid identifiers (i.e., valid mobile numbers or valid unique IDs).

Copy the identifier from your secondary data source and paste it into the text box. Copy only the identifier itself; no other information should be included.

If you are using mobile numbers, they can include dashes, parentheses, slashes, or no punctuation at all.

  • If you are using mobile numbers, they must be 10 digits (or 11 digits if they begin with a "1").

Error Troubleshooting

If any of the identifiers your are attempting to include cannot be added to the segment, Mongoose will still create the segment, but will also provide an error file for you to review.

Clicking on Download Error File will generate a spreadsheet for you to review specific errors.

Here is an explanation of each error type:

If you used Mobile Numbers:

  • "No contact for mobile number": Occurs when the mobile number you included is not associated with any existing records in Mongoose.
  • "Invalid mobile number": Occurs when you have included a number that is not 10-digits long (or not 11-digits long if it begins with a "1").

If you used ContactID:

  • "No contact for identifier": Occurs when you have included an ID that does not match any existing records in Mongoose.
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