Contact Search Page
Contact search page allows you to
- Search for contacts
- View contact details and message history
Search for contacts
When your custom fields have been configured, you will be able to search for contacts based on data stored on their records ( view article on how to Configure Data Fields).
1. Navigate to Contacts.
2. Select the field you want to search in the drop-down list to the left of the search box.
3. Enter in a search term and click [ Search] to return a list of records that fit the criteria. Mongoose will return up to 50 records at a time.
4. Click the dots on the right hand side of a record and select Message to compose a text message to that individual.
5. Compose and send your text message.
View contact profile and message history
To view a contact's conversation history, click on Contacts>Search for a contact in the search bar>Click on the name of the contact
The contact profile provides an overall view of the contact where you can see contact information, Mongoose activity, custom field data and message history. Users can manage opt out and block preferences along with message or edit the contact.