Edit Existing Contact or Manually Added and Unknown Records
The First Name and Last Name on an existing records can be manually edited if:
- The contact was manually added to the team's data (under Compose).
- The contact "cold contacted" a Mongoose user and only has a mobile number on his/her record.
1. In order to edit an existing record, navigate to Contacts and search based on the Mobile Number (include all 10 digits; do not include spaces or other formatting).
2. Click the dots to the right of the record and select View.
3. Click [ Edit].
4. Fill in the First Name, Last Name, and Contact ID (if applicable) on the record, then click [Update].
Note: Admins can also edit the Contact ID and Mobile Number on all contact records in Mongoose.
If you would like to add custom fields to the manually-added record, you can do so through the import process. The quickest approach to this would be to do a manual import, but if your team is using a different integration method (native integration, FTP, API), utilize that import method.
Mongoose will initially match mobile number from the imported record to the existing manually-added record to ensure that the correct record is updated in the platform. Going forward, the record will just become the contact's record (losing the manually-added distinction).