Slate Integration - Exports

Types of Exports

Mongoose supports exporting 3 separate files on a daily basis:

  • Message activity - contains all incoming and outgoing text messages since the most recent successful export
  • Opt out changes - contains all changes to contact opt out preferences since the most recent successful export
  • Delivery failures - contains all outgoing text messages that resulted in a delivery failure since the most successful export

Each of these exports can be enabled, scheduled and/or run manually independently to allow for flexibility.

Sample formats and data for all 3 files are available within Mongoose under the Export Configuration page in the Slate Integration. There is not a single standard process for importing this information because Slate allows for flexibility, however from our experience, the most common scenario is outlined below.

Please make sure to run your full import of contact data (from your Slate query) before running any exports.

Required Slate Configuration

Note: Before configuring an export in Slate, please review the Slate > Exports page in Mongoose, as it contains information to help you set everything up and should be viewed in conjunction with this article.

Before attempting any file exports, ensure that the correct locations exist in your Slate instance on the FTP and that your SFTP user is allowed to drop files to these locations:


Message Activity Export

  • Configure the file name of the export file in Mongoose under Export Configuration. If automation is desired, enable Daily Export and select a time to export.
  • Create a new Source Format in Slate to designate the file format, import path/mask, etc. The import path should be mongoose/ and then the file name that was configured above. For example, if you used "MessagesToSlate" as your filename, the import path/mask in Slate should look like this: mongoose/MessagesToSlate_*.txt.
  • Set the new Source Format in Slate to "Active" status.
  • Create a new Format Definition based on the Source Format. Using the Upload Dataset tool, upload the sample file and map the fields to Slate.

The first time you successfully run this export, it will attempt to export the messages from the last 6 months of your team's time using Mongoose. Please do not be alarmed if it is a large number. The next time you run an export, it will only attempt to bring over messages that have been sent/received since the last successful export.

Note: As mentioned above, before running an export of message activity, it is a best practice to run your full import of contacts from Slate to Mongoose first. That will ensure that the messages will be stored successfully on the correct records in your Slate instance.

Opt Out Changes Export

There are two primary options for importing opt out changes to Slate:

  1. Store them in a tag
  2. Store them in a custom field

If opt out preferences for texting are already being stored, it will likely be easiest to continue to store them in that location. If they are not already being stored, placing them in a tag may provide the most flexibility and ease of use.  

The most import concern is that if opt out preferences are being imported back into Mongoose, that the same data from Mongoose is being automatically imported into Slate daily to ensure changes in Mongoose are not overwritten. 

The creation of the source format, definition, and scheduling of the process is identical to the steps outlined in the Message Activity section above.

Delivery Failures Export

Mongoose is able to export all delivery failures in a file format that can be accepted by Slate. This file could simply be manually reviewed to assess the nature of delivery errors that are occurring and address each manually.

Additionally, this file can be imported into Slate similarly to the Opt Out Changes Export file mentioned above - either placing that delivery failure in a tag or custom field that can be followed up with later to address the failure.

To continue to the next step of configuring the integration, click the following link: Logging and Monitoring

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