Auto Reply FAQs


What is a tag?

A "tag" is an identifier on a contact, not on a message like you may be familiar with using Campaigns. A tag allows you to identify any contacts who have sent an incoming message using a keyword. These tags can be used to create segments which will be explained later in this article.

Can I manually add or remove a tag on a contact?

Within a conversation, you can add a tag or remove a tag. However, you must find the message the tag is on to remove it. A tag cannot be remove on the overall contact page.

How can I see a tag on a contact?

To see all contacts who match that "tag", navigate to "Segments" and create a segment using the "tag" criteria. You can then export this list.

You can also see "tags" in a column on your Contact Data export within the Reports area (Admins).


What is a keyword?

Keyword(s) are words that can be customized per inbox that Mongoose will recognize if included in an incoming text message. Once recognized, an auto reply message (created by the user) will be sent to the contact. Multiple keywords can be set up but the text message must match exactly the key words that have been configured/customized.

Do keywords have to match exactly? Can my keyword be more than one word and/or a phrase?

Yes. A keyword must match exactly what was created/set up for the inbox auto reply. It can be one word, more than one word, or a phrase.

For example, keywords could be "Apply2024", "Apply 2024", "Sign me up".

Keywords will not be recognized as part of a sentence unless that exact sentence/phrase was created as part of the auto reply.

For example, if a keyword you have created is "FAFSA" and a contact texts in "I need help with my FAFSA", that will not tag the contact and send the auto reply.

Is a keyword case sensitive?


For example, if the keyword is set as Apply2024, if a contact texts in APPLY2024, it will still be accepted.

Can my keyword be a hashtag?

Mongoose does not recommend including hashtags in your keywords or outgoing messages. 

Incoming messages can include hashtags, however, outgoing messages including a hashtag will increase the likelihood that carriers will filter your messages and prevent your messages from being delivered.

If you create a keyword with a hashtag and plan on sending outgoing messages promoting that hashtag, there is a higher chance of those outgoing messages getting filtered by carriers.

Can I create more than one group of keywords/replies?

Yes. Shared Inboxes can set up to three separate auto replies. Each with a unique set of keywords per auto reply. Note: Keywords must be unique and cannot be used across multiple auto replies.

If you have a personal inbox throughout multiple teams, you can set up a different set of keywords/ Auto Replies specific to each team you are in.

Can I use an emoji for a keyword?

Yes, you can absolutely use and emoji for a key word! 

How does Mongoose know which inbox to put the keyword in?

Learn more about how Mongoose determines message location

If I have Auto Reply set up for my personal inbox but also have my Out of Office turned on, which auto reply does the contact get?

If a contact texts in a keyword, they will only receive the keyword auto reply and not the out of office reply. If a contact texts in a word that does not match a keyword, they will receive your out of office reply.

Auto Reply Best Practices

Set up your default team within your Profile.

Since no initial outgoing message is required for the Auto Reply feature, should a contact text in that doesn't exist in Mongoose yet, we want to make sure the message gets put in the most accurate team and inbox possible (especially if you are in multiple teams). 

Setting your "Default Team" within your "Profile" will help Mongoose place the message into the most "accurate" inbox if the contact who texts in doesn't match the criteria we have for where a message should go.

If you are in multiple teams and receive a notification that an incoming message contains a keyword but don't see it in your inbox, double check any other teams you are in as it may have went to another inbox.

Learn more about how Mongoose determines message location

Send outgoing message if applicable 

Even though Auto Reply doesn't require an outgoing message, sending an outgoing message to contacts to reply with a keyword will help make sure any incoming keyword messages get placed in the correct team and inbox. 

Can I use Send as Assigned User with keywords?

Yes. A few things to keep in mind when using send as assigned user. Each user will need to set up and turn on auto reply in their personal inbox using the same keyword so that any incoming keyword that is promoted will get recognized.

For example. A message is sent using send as assigned user on behalf of staff members Joe, Sam and Liz prompting contacts to reply with APPLY2024. Joe, Sam and Liz will need to have set up their auto reply keywords to include APPLY2024 so that any incoming messages will be recognized and an auto reply gets triggered.

What are some examples of how can I use Auto Reply?

Check out our blog post for examples!

To avoid accidental opt outs or words that carriers intercept, some words cannot be added as keywords.


Learn more about words to avoid

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