Message Identification Tags - Best Practices and FAQs

Best Practices

When using Message Identification Tags, you and your team should plan ahead and discuss what type of information you're looking for or that is needed to help best identify contacts for continual tracking, future follow up, task completion or retargeting.  

Task completion and future follow up: This may be in or outside of Mongoose. Within Mongoose, you may want to Tag a contact to know to follow up with specific information. Outside of Mongoose, you may create a Tag as a way to know to update your CRM or you can click into a Tag to view Tag details or export in order to make it easier to update a CRM or share that information with someone outside of Mongoose. 

Re-targeting and continual tracking: Look at specific contacts to determine further texting outreach based on who is tagged with a specific tag (ex: contacts who are tagged as "donated" during your giving day initiative so you can follow up with a thank you).

Message Identification Tags allow you to be more specific in identifying the information you receive from contacts compared to a general outreach initiative (campaign). Discuss what types of Message Identification Tags will be useful across your team so that the Tags have a purpose and stay relevant and useful. As a team, think about a few Tags that may be helpful and then get a few of those Tags created. There may be certain tags that your team will want to utilize long term, and if that's the case, you do not need to create a new, customized tag for every situation because there are date filters to help you see the contacts and messages with the tag applied based on a specific date. For example, if you have an existing tag for "updated contact information", you could continue using that same tag rather than making a new tag for each semester or year. Once you have a few Tags, then consider the possibilities for reporting and what you want to do with the data.

Tags can be viewed and used by everyone in the team and can be used to create segments (if segment access is permitted) so you want to make sure to plan what Tags are being created to help keep data and reporting organized. You want to keep Tags organized so everyone knows which Tag to use and when--you don't want everyone creating their own version of the same Tag and have a report with variations of the same Tag.

Some examples of how you can strategically use Message Identification Tags:

Academics: Track a specific type of academic messaging activity such as a contact letting you know they are withdrawing or dropping class. 

Admissions: Track that a contact is missing a document -or- provided a document (contact informed you of this through texting). That a contact is “still considering” attending the school (put them on a list for strategic outreach) or that they are planning on withdrawing/dropping out from the institution.

Advancement: Track that contact “donated" or "gave a gift”. Or track that a contact has specifically participated in your "Giving Day".

General uses: Confirm an updated personal email address or other contact information. Track contacts that are having trouble with adjusting to being back in school so your team can provide specialized outreach.

Make sure to clean up Tags as they are no longer being used. You can move them to "Archived" or delete them (only the owner of the Tag can delete).


What is the character limit for the tag name field?
No, there is no character limit for the name of a Message Identification Tag. However, if a name is extremely long, when viewing it within the conversation view it will shorten it. The full name can be viewed within the Tags page.
Why do I have tags that already exist?
Tags from our Auto-Reply feature will appear in the Tags list. Any Tags that were created for auto reply will be listed and viewable. 
What's the difference between Auto Reply and Message Identification Tags?
While both Auto Reply and Message Identification tags are identified "tags", how they are applied is different.
Auto Reply will automatically tag any incoming message that matches the specific keywords that were configured with that feature.
Message Identification tags are not automatically applied--and does not look for a specific keyword. You must select the incoming message you want the tag applied to.
Both Auto Reply and Message Identification tags will be viewable and managed under Tags.
What is the difference between a Campaign and a Message Identification Tag?
A campaign is more of a general initiative such as "Missing Application Items". You can send out a Campaign to 2,000 contacts who are missing application items and Campaigns will tag all outgoing messages and any incoming messages (within 24 hours) with that Campaign tag.
Message Identification tags allow you to drill down further than the general "Missing Application Items". You can use Message Identification Tags on top of a Campaign--so you can see the general initiative and then become more specific.
You can create tags for which items they're missing such as "missing transcripts", "missing immunization" etc.., what they've submitted "submitted transcript" or "submitted medical forms" and/or if they are no longer missing items.
Can I bulk Tag messages?
No, Tags are applied to specific incoming messages therefore cannot be bulk added.
I don't see tags on Compose..why?
Tags are only available to be set on a specific incoming message. Tags will not appear as an option on Compose as outgoing messages cannot be tagged.
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