Team Notification Settings


Admins have the ability to configure emails notifications for specific events within Mongoose.

These email notifications are useful for ensuring that contact data in your system of record (CRM/SIS) can be kept up to date as data changes within Mongoose.

The notifications are available by navigating to " Team Name" > Notification Emails from the navigation on the left hand side.

Each of these email notifications can be enabled independently and have a different list of recipients to receive the messages. The email addresses to notify do not need to correspond to Mongoose users.

Opt-Out Status Changes

This notification will send an email whenever a contact's opt-out preference is changed either by a user within the product, or by the contact texting in an automatic start/stop keyword. This notification will not be triggered when a contact's opt-out preference is changed by an import or API integration.

An example opt-out notification contains the following information:

Unknown Contact Notification

This notification will send an email when a Mongoose user receives a text message from a phone number that is not currently included on an existing contact record.

An example unknown contact notification contains the following information:

New Contact Added Notification

This notification will send an email to specified recipients when a user manually adds a new contact record to Mongoose.

An example new contact notification contains the following information:

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