Send to My Assigned Contacts Only


When composing a text message, you have the option of sending to contacts assigned to you, contacts who are assigned to other users, or contacts who are not assigned to anyone. The Send to my assigned contacts only function allows you to specify which of these groups your intended recipient is in and can help you avoid reaching out to the wrong contacts.

This article will cover:

  • Getting set up to use this feature
  • Sending to just your assigned contacts
  • Additional tips/considerations


This option can only be effectively utilized if your team is importing a StaffId on contact records.

Composing a Message to Your Assigned Contacts

Clicking Compose will allow you to initiate a new text message. By default, the Send to my assigned contacts only function will be checked if you have contacts assigned to you. If no contacts are assigned to you, by default, Send to my assigned contacts only will be unchecked. 

When you select your recipient from the "To" field, contacts assigned to you will show up with "Assigned to You" next to their names.

If your intended recipient is assigned to you, leave the Send to my assigned contacts only box checked. If you need to send a message to a contact who is not assigned to you, uncheck the box before clicking [Next].

The Confirm Message page will allow you to preview your message and verify the Recipients count.

Note: If you kept Send to my assigned contacts only checked and your Recipients count is "0", it means that you are sending to a contact who is not assigned to you. Click the arrow to go back to step 1 of the compose process and uncheck the Send to my assigned contacts only box.

Staff Identification

In order to effectively utilize the Send to my assigned contacts only function, your team must be importing the StaffId field on contact records. The StaffId on each contact's record will match with a Mongoose user's StaffId to establish which contacts are assigned to each person.

Note: If your team is not importing a StaffId on contact records and you keep the box next to Send to my assigned contacts only checked, your recipient count will always be "0." You must uncheck the box in order to successfully send the message.


If you are sending to a segment of contacts, you can ensure that only your assigned contacts in that segment will receive your message if:

  • Send to my assigned contacts only is checked
  • StaffId is being imported on your contact records

If you decide to send to a segment with Send to my assigned contacts only unchecked, all contacts in that segment will receive your message. It is important to consider whether or not the message is appropriate for all contacts in the segment--and whether or not the message should be sent from you--before proceeding. If you aren't sure, we recommend creating a new segment with just the contacts you know you want to text.

If you need to send a message to a contact who does not have a StaffId on his/her record, uncheck the Send to my assigned contacts only box before sending.

If you need to message someone who isn't assigned to you, uncheck the  Send to my assigned contacts only box before sending.

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