Manage Profile


Your Mongoose profile allows you to verify account information, set a voice forwarding number (available on virtual numbers only), manage notification emails, and set a new account password.

This article will cover:

  • Locating your profile and your Mongoose number
  • General profile settings, including setting a voice forwarding number
  • Managing your email and mobile notifications
  • How to change your password (if applicable)


Your profile can be accessed by clicking your first initial (or profile image) in the upper right hand corner of the Mongoose platform. Select Profile from the list of options.

General Page

The General page contains the basic information for your Mongoose account. Here you can verify your login email address. If you have a Mongoose phone number, it is displayed here. This is your Mongoose texting number that you can promote to your constituents. You also have the ability to edit your profile picture, first/last name, and voice forwarding number (only available if you are using a virtual number) and select a default team for log in.

Note: If you choose to include a profile picture, it must be imported/edited through Gravatar. Your profile picture is only visible to you.

If you check the Receive Email Notifications for all Incoming Messages box, you will receive an email each time a contact sends you a text. That email will contain the message itself, the contact who sent it, and the date and time. You can log into Mongoose to respond to the text. If you would not like to receive these messages, uncheck the box.

Note: If you do not see the Receive Email Notifications for all Incoming Messages checkbox, it will appear on a separate Notifications page (see section below).

Notifications Page

If you are a member of any shared inboxes, you will see a Notifications page that will allow you to manage all of your text message notification preferences.

Checking the box next to My Messages will allow you to receive an email each time a contact sends a text to your personal texting phone number. That email will contain the message itself, the contact who sent it, and the date and time (as referenced and shown in the General section above).

The shared inboxes you are a member of will also show up in your notification list, allowing you to control whether or not you would like to receive an email every time a contact sends a text to one of those accounts. Note that because shared inboxes have their own separate texting phone numbers, you would receive an email or mobile notification anytime the account itself receives a text.

Note that when you're logged into Mongoose and a new message comes in, you will not hear a sound in your browser. If you are using the mobile app and have push notifications turned on, your phone may play a sound when a text comes in.

Security Page

If you are not logging in using single sign on, the Security page will allow you to change the password you use to log into Mongoose. If you are having difficulty setting a new password, please review our guide here.

If you log into Mongoose using your school-issued credentials (single sign on), please work with your school's IT department to resolve login issues.

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