Reports-Usage Analytics


Analytics serves as the hub for understanding Mongoose product usage at an individual, team, and organizational level. Users and Admins will be able to effortlessly surface high-level metrics and drill down further into data for additional comparison and analysis.

Both Users and Admins are able to view top level usage metrics showing key data points, have the ability to compare and sort usage data based on Teams, Users (Admin access required to view), Inboxes, and Campaigns. Team and date range filters are also available to allow for a more customized view into the data and a responsive chart provides a visual display of product usage and message activity. There are a few important rules related to data visibility that you should be aware of:

  • All Mongoose users (Admins and non-Admins) will be able to view the Analytics page.
  • Data that shows up on the page is entirely based on which team(s) the user has access to; if they aren't part of the team, that team's data will not show up.
  • You must be an Admin in a team to view that team's individual user metrics. Identifiable user metrics within a team are not available to non-Admin Users.
  • We have included reminders about these visibility rules throughout this documentation.

The following article will go into more detail on:

  • Message Activity dashboard
  • Team, User, Inbox, and Campaign Breakdowns
  • Exports

Note: This Analytics/Usage Reporting dashboard is only available to institutions on our Teams model. If you do not see this page under Reports and would like to learn more about getting access to this Reporting page, please contact your Client Success Lead.

Message Activity 

Message Activity is displayed within the responsive analytics dashboard where Users and Admins can easily view important metrics around texting activity at a team or organizational level. Users can the filter by team(s) and date range to view a break down of text message data into "Messages" (Total, Sent, Received and Delivered) and "Contacts" (Reached and Replied). 

By default, the data shown is for the Team that you are currently logged into and filtered by the last 30 days of data, however, data can be filtered (see below) using the team filter drop down and selecting the team(s) you wish to see data for and by selecting date range.  You can also filter by message type - SMS, MMS, or both (default.) 

Information displayed on this page will only show the data based on Team(s) the User and/or Admin has access to.  Users/Admins will not see data for Teams they do not have access to

Data on the dashboard can be filtered by team(s) and by date range. 

  • Filter by Team(s): Only teams you have access to will be listed in the provided options. Use the check box to select which team(s) you wish to view.
  • Filter by Message Type(s): Drill to see specific message type analytics. Options are SMS, MMS, or both. Both is the default.
  • Filter by Date: Quick options are provided for the last 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, 3 months and 12 months or a custom date rang can be selected.

Once a date range has been selected, hovering over a specific data point in the graph will allow you to see the exact incoming/ongoing totals for that day.

Analytics Breakdown

Users and Admins are also provided a breakdown of data into Teams, Users, Inboxes, and Campaigns. The information provided in the breakdown areas will take the top level information from the analytics dashboard and break it down further so you can see specifically how a Team, User, Inbox and Campaign is using or being used within Mongoose.

The selected team(s) must have data from the date range selected in order for information to be shown in this section. 

Metrics provided:

  • Total is the total number of both incoming and outgoing messages
  • Sent is the total number of outgoing messages sent
  • Received is the total number of incoming messages received
  • Delivered is the total number/percentage of outgoing messages that were successfully delivered to contacts.
  • Reached is the number of contacts that received a text message. (Note that this number is not de-duplicated when multiple teams are selected. For ex: if a contact is in two teams and successfully received at least one text message in both of those teams, they will count twice in the “Reached” metric)
  • Replied is the total number/percentage of contacts that replied to one of the outgoing messages Note: Reply percentage is calculated based on any replies received within 24 hours - due to this, data may change as replies are received.
  • Unread is the total number of messages that were left unread by the User (Only Admins will have the option to click the "Unread" hyperlink for more information on unread messages. Users will not see a hyperlink)

Each breakdown tab will include the option to export information based on your filters into a .csv file. 

A search bar is provided for all breakdown tabs to help search or narrow down the list by name.  Metrics can also be sorted by highest or lowest by clicking on the the metric name.

Note: Some information in the breakdown areas is not available to non-Admin Users and will be noted below in the corresponding section.

Teams Breakdown

The Teams tab will provide a usage breakdown of the Total, Sent, Received, Delivered, Replied, Reached, and Unread messages per Team selected.

Each team selected using the filter will be listed with corresponding data. If a team has no activity, it will still show up in the breakdown if you included it in your filter. This provides an easy way to identify which teams are not utilizing Mongoose and offers an opportunity for strategizing how text messaging could be best utilized by those teams.

Users Breakdown

The Users tab provides a breakdown of the Total, Sent, Received, Delivered, Replied, Reached, and Unread messages per User based on your selected team(s). 

  • Up to 10 user records will be displayed per page (to view the next page of users, click the arrows at the bottom). 
  • Users that exist in multiple teams that have been selected will not be duplicated and their usage metrics will be displayed based on the selected teams they are in. 

It's important to note that the Users tab will only be visible to Admins within the team(s) selected. Non-Admin Users are not able to see the text message metrics of other users.

For example: 5 teams are selected--if you are an Admin in at least one of the teams selected, you will see the Users tab, however, you will only see the user data for the team(s) you are an Admin in. 

**High Speed sending/reply calculation is not included in the user data but it is included within the top-level metrics and on the Inboxes tab (see section below).

Inboxes Breakdown

The Inboxes tab provides a breakdown of the Total, Sent, Received, Delivered, Replied, Reached, and Unread messages per Shared Inbox and/or High Speed Inbox on your selected team(s). 

  • Admins will have the ability to see metrics on all shared and high speed inboxes for any team they are an Admin in.  
  • Users will only see the metrics on the shared and/or high speed inboxes they have access to/are in.

Each inbox name will be displayed along with the team that it is in. If you're an Admin and/or a User with access to the inbox, clicking on its name will allow you to see a summary of message activity specifically within the inbox.

Campaigns Breakdown

The Campaign tab provides a breakdown of the Total, Sent, Received, Delivered, Replied, Reached, and Unread messages per Campaigns on your selected team(s).

All Campaigns within the team(s) selected will be displayed in the list along with the team the Campaign can be found in. 

  • By default, all campaigns that exist within the teams you selected in your filter will show up in the list.
  • Based on the date range selected in your filter, the breakdown will display the metrics based on Campaign activity within the given date range
  • The campaign name will be hyperlinked when you are in the team the campaign exists allowing you to click on the name to be taken to that specific Campaign Report.
  • If a campaign has no usage in the selected date range, it will still be displayed in the list

Exports Page (Admins Only)

The Exports area will provide the ability to export (.csv file) different types of qualitative data.

While the above Analytics and breakdowns are available to both User and Admins, the Export tab is only available to Admins. The Export tab will only be available in the teams you are an Admin in. If you are a non-Admin User, you will not see the Exports tab.

Campaign data is not included on the Exports tab. Campaign data/reports can be viewed and exported via the Campaign breakdown or by clicking Campaigns on the left side navigation (make sure you are viewing the team that the Campaign exists.

Note: These exports contain information only for the team you are currently viewing. To export information for another team, you will need to switch to that team.

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