Salesforce Integration - API Authentication Page


The first step towards setting up the integration between Mongoose and Salesforce is to establish the API settings and authentication components. In the left hand side navigation in Mongoose, navigate to "Team Name"Salesforce > API Authentication and fill in the settings using the guidelines and image below.

  • Instance URL: Instance URL (the URL must contain "" and should be something like ""; do not use
  • Client ID: Salesforce Consumer Key
  • Client Secret: Salesforce Consumer Secret
  • Username: Salesforce API User Username
  • Password: Salesforce API User Password

Note: The password is a concatenation of the password and the user’s security token. For example, if the user’s password is “mypassword” and the security token is “ABC123” then the password should be “mypasswordABC123”. We recommend setting this user with a very strong password as it is not set to expire or be reset.

To reset your security token, click here

Once filled in, click [ Save]. After the page saves, click [Verify Credentials] to confirm the setup is correct.

To find your Consumer Key and Secret, click here.

For more information about configuring an API user in Salesforce, please click  here.

To continue to the next step of configuring the integration, click the following link: Fields Page

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