Salesforce Integration - Import History and Error Log Pages

Import History Page

Using this page, you are able to monitor data flow as well as initiate imports and exports.

  • Run Full Import: Allows you to manually initiate a data import. This process will import all contacts in the list view or report you specified on the Student Import page. Note that this will not interrupt automatic imports if you have any enabled; those will still run as expected. Message activity is not automatically sent to Salesforce as part of this process (it is with the automatic imports).
  • Import Changes: Allows you to manually initiate a data import. This process will only import contacts that have been added or modified in the list view or report you specified on the Student Import page since the last time you ran an import--not the entire set of contacts. Note that this too will not interrupt automatic imports if you have any enabled. Message activity is not automatically sent to Salesforce as part of this process (it is with the automatic imports).
  • Export Message Activity: Allows you to send all message activity to Salesforce.

Note: If you are importing both Contacts and Leads, there will be two import IDs for a given date/time. The first of the two imports (i.e., the one with the lower ID number) is the Contact import.

Error Log Page

The Error Log page will track any errors making updates in Salesforce related to message activity. Errors may include being unable to locate a contact in Salesforce or an issue with assigning records to specific Mongoose users.

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