Salesforce Integration - Contact Import Page
Importing Leads and/or Contacts Into Mongoose
Mongoose supports importing contact records and/or lead records from Salesforce. You can import one or the other, or both. The process is the same for both but note that each type requires its own configuration on the set up page.
The basic setup process involves a few key decisions:
- Selection of a List View OR Report for records to be imported into Mongoose
- Connection of a standard set of required fields between Salesforce and Mongoose
- Connection of any desired custom fields between Salesforce and Mongoose
- Selection of desired times for import to occur
After authentication has been setup, you can begin configuring your import by clicking Contact Import within the Salesforce Integration.
Import Source
The first step is selecting an import source. Mongoose can accept two different kinds of import sources: a List View or a Report. We recommend creating a List View or Report that represents the full set of records you plan to text, and we do not suggest including records you do not plan to text.
Regardless of which option you select, be sure that the List View or Report is shared with the API user you created during the Authentication step, otherwise it will not be available to select in Mongoose.
- If you elect to use a Report, you must add a custom field to Contacts or Leads to represent “Last Modified” date with time. The standard “Last Modified Date” field will not expose time and thus Mongoose can not import changes properly throughout the date. This is not required with a List View which properly provides a Last Modified Date that includes time.
- If you elect to use a Report, you must select fields mapping the Last Modified Date and Contact Identification. These fields are mapped automatically in a List View.
- If you elect to use a Report, it must be in a tabular format (on your Report's page in Salesforce, change the format to "Tabular").
- Salesforce only allows for bringing back a maximum of 2,000 records each time. Each API call we make to the Salesforce REST API will return 2,000 records. Keep this in mind if your List View or Report contains over 2,000 records and you are concerned about the number of API hits per day.
- It is a best practice to create a new folder in Salesforce and include only the reports you want to show up in Mongoose. You can then share that folder with your API user. This will avoid any issues having to navigate through your entire list of Salesforce reports in Mongoose to select the Import Source.
Standard Fields
Regardless of selecting a List View or Report, there is a set of required standard fields that must be mapped in the import. The set of standard fields is:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Mobile Number
If you are importing from a Report, there are two additional required fields to configure (these will not show up if importing from a List View):
- Contact Identification (this should be mapped to Contact ID; note that the Salesforce API will always return the case safe 18-digit identifier, so there is no need to translate the 15-digit identifier in your Salesforce report).
- Last Modified Date (The standard Last Modified Date will not include time. Given this limitation, changes made throughout the day will not be imported into Mongoose. Please see additional information below on creating a custom field that includes time)
For each field, select the Contact or Lead field that should be mapped. For First Name, we support a primary field and a fallback field. This is usually set up for a Preferred First Name field with the standard First Name field as the fallback.
User Identification is optional and can be left blank. If blank, the Send as assigned user and Send to my assigned contacts only functions will not be usable in Mongoose. If set to a field (such as Contact Owner), those functions will be usable (see User ID Overview for more information).
Note: If you are switching to this integration and you have been previously importing data from another system, please make sure to review/update your Mongoose User IDs to ensure that they match up with the user identification coming over from Salesforce.
Opt-Out Field
Mongoose requires a field to be mapped for synchronizing texting preferences and that is referred to in the integration as Opt-Out Field. Mongoose can utilize a field indicating either “Opt-Out” or “Opt-In” from Salesforce. The field must be either a checkbox or picklist.
If an opt-out field is set up, changes in opt-out status that occur in Mongoose will be pushed to the Salesforce record when they occur in order to keep the systems synchronized.
Mongoose will update this field automatically and immediately for any record that is opted-out either by requesting opt-out via a “STOP” or “UNSUBSCRIBE” message, or if a user manually opts the record out via the Mongoose platform (see Texting and Opt Out Status for more information).
Checkbox Opt-Out
To set up a checkbox opt-out field:
- Select the Contact or Lead field.
- Set the field type to Checkbox.
- If unchecked in your Salesforce instance means the record is opted-in, enable the slider as shown in the example. Otherwise, leave it unchecked.
Picklist Opt-Out
To setup a picklist opt-out field:
- Select the Contact or Lead field.
- Set the field type to Picklist.
- Set the Opted-In Value to the option in the picklist that indicates a record is opted-in.
- Set the Opted-Out Value to the option in the picklist that indicates a record is opted-out.
- If the field is empty and this indicates opt-in, check the last option as shown in the example. Otherwise, leave it unchecked.
Additional Fields
If you have created any custom fields, you may map them as part of the import.
To map an additional field:
- Select the Salesforce field you would like to map. Note that the list of fields populates based on the fields included in the list view or report you chose as your Import Source above.
- Select the Mongoose field to associate it with.
- Click [Add].
You may remove a field from the mapping at any type by clicking the red ‘ X’.
Import Schedule
The import process can be enabled to retrieve changed contact records up to three times a day.
- Enabling more imports will prevent stale data in Mongoose but incur a larger number of requests against your Salesforce REST API.
- All imports are performed in EDT/EST and can not be otherwise configured.
- Disabling all imports will prevent automatic imports from occurring (manually-initiated imports can still be performed on the Import History page within the integration).
- Import time is given as a range as Mongoose cannot guarantee an exact time for any given import.
Last Modified Date/Time (if importing records via a Report only)
The standard Last Modified Date will not include time. Given this limitation, changes made throughout the day will not be imported into Mongoose. To work around this behavior, Mongoose recommends creating a special custom field on Contact to represent Last Modified Date with time.
To create a custom field for Contacts in Salesforce (Lightning View):
- Navigate to Setup>Object Manager
- Click on "Contact">Fields and Relationships> then click on the "New" button
- Choose Formula data type
- Click "Next"
- Enter "Last Modified Date Time" for your Field label and field name and select Formula Return Type as Date/Time
- Click "Next"
- Make sure "Contact" is selected and Insert >LastModifiedDate
- Click "Next"
- Click "Next"
- Uncheck All Page Layouts
- Click "Save"
- Add this new field to your Report (in Salesforce) and map to Last Modified (in Mongoose) to this new field
To create a custom field for Contacts in Salesforce (Classic View):
- Navigate to Setup > Contacts > Fields
- Under "Contact Custom Fields & Relationships" click on "New" button
- Choose Formula data type
- Enter "Last Modified Date Time" your Field label and field name and select Formula Return Type as Date/Time
- Click "Next"
- Click on "Insert Field", Select Contact -> LastModifiedDate and Insert
- Click "Next"
- Click "Next"
- Uncheck all Page Layouts
- Click "Save"
- Add this new field to the Mongoose report
To create a custom field for Leads:
- Navigate to Setup > Leads > Fields
- Under "Contact Custom Fields & Relationships" click on "New" button
- Choose Formula data type
- Enter "Last Modified Date Time" your Field label and field name and select Formula Return Type as Date/Time
- Click "Next"
- Click on "Insert Field", Select Lead -> LastModifiedDate and Insert
- Click "Next"
- Click "Next"
- Uncheck all Page Layouts
- Click "Save"
- Add this new field to the Mongoose report
To continue to the next step of configuring the integration, click the following link: Messages Page