Getting Started: Manual Import Sample File


Need to get contact data manually imported to Mongoose and not sure where to start? Mongoose administrators can manually import data into Mongoose as needed using a quick and easy spreadsheet.  

Mongoose provides two in-product sample files for download so you can get started importing data.

Within Mongoose, on your left side navigation, click on  "Team Name" > "Data Management"

Within Data Management, click on "New Import"

There are two import options to choose from for manual imports however, for the purpose of getting a sample file download, it does not matter which you select as the file will be the same for either option. 

Click on "File Upload" OR "Copy & Paste"

Once an import method has been selected, you will find two sample file download options:

1. All fields: This sample file will include all fields that have been created. 

  • If you haven't set up fields yet, this file will include the 6 system fields Mongoose has set up (ContactID, FirstName, LastName, MobileNumber, OptedOut, StaffID). 
  • If you've already added/created any additional custom fields in Mongoose, they will appear on this download.

2. Required fields: This sample file will include all fields that are selected to be "Required" for import. 

  • At a minimum, you'll find the 4 fields Mongoose requires on all imports (ContactID, FirstName, LastName, MobileNumber) but this file may include any additional custom fields that are also marked required.

Click on the sample file link you wish to download. This file will automatically download into your browser.

Note: More information here on configuring fields and custom fields or if you need to manage fields or make changes.

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