Create a New User
Mongoose users can be created by Admin users in a team. A user will have an individualized Mongoose login and will be able to access data and information associated with the team it is created in. This article will explain where to find the area to create new users as well as some considerations when managing users.
Locate Users List
In the left hand side navigation, click on " Team Name" > Users.
The Users page will show you any of the users set up with access to your team. You can also make adjustments/edits to existing users from this page by clicking the dots to the right hand side of them.
Create a New User
Click [ New User] or [Invite User] to add a new user to your team. Clicking the button will trigger a guided setup process that allows you to configure the user's basic information, access level (user or admin) and phone number options (number or numberless).
Basic information includes Email, First Name, Last Name and UserID
Access level: User or Admin
Select a number
Additional Options:
Allow User Segment Access:
The " Allow user Segment access" checkbox when checked allows for users to be able to create, use and edit Segments. When unchecked, users will not see the "Segments" option on the left side navigation. They will only be able to send messages to contacts one at a time.
If users should be able to create and/or send to lists of contacts, be sure to check/enable "Allow user Segment access".
Allow User Contact Creation:
The "Contact Creation" checkbox allows non-admin users to be able to manually add contacts in Mongoose. When unchecked, non-admin users will not be able to add contacts to their Mongoose instance. They will only be able to message contacts added by admins or automatic imports.
If non-admin users should be able to add contacts, be sure to check/enable "Contact Creation" when adding a new user.
Numberless User/Admin:
If you see the option that a personal inbox is "Optional", you have the option to create numberless user/admins.
Numberless users do not have a personal inbox and must be added to a shared inbox. They can only text in shared inboxes.
Numberless admins do not have a personal inbox and can be added to a shared inbox OR have the option to be set up to not have any texting capabilities (for example: someone from your IT department or someone only in charge of data)
Note: If you do not see numberless users as an option, please reach out to your CSL to discuss upgrading your Mongoose experience.
Mongoose Chat
Mongoose Chat will only appear as an option if Chat is enabled for that Team.
If Mongoose Chat checkbox is available, this provides the user access to Mongoose Chat.
Note: Administrators automatically have access to Chat in any team(s) where it is enabled that they are in and can see which users have access to Chat in the User List.
After the user is created, click [ Send Welcome Email] in order to notify the individual that a Mongoose user has been created for them.
When setting up a new user, consider the type of access (Admin vs. standard user) the individual will need. As a general rule, there is no reason to give individuals access to the additional tools that come with being an Admin if that person will likely never use them. These tools include the ability to manage data imports/exports, set up new users, and utilize the Send as Assigned User function.
When creating/editing a standard user, permissions can restrict access to creating, viewing, and using Segments with the Allow user Segment access option, and restrict non-admins to creating contacts. Consider if you want users to be able to manually add contacts. If so, you will want to check the "Contact Creation" box. Permissions can be changed after the user is already created.
The in-platform setup guide will help you make decisions on configuring the rest of the user. Adjustments can always be made later on, so if you find that you need to change information or settings for an existing user, navigate to your users page and click the dots to the right of the existing user to make modifications.
Mongoose Chat is an additional feature. It will only be available if your institution is using Mongoose Chat. Users can be set up to have access to both Text and Chat while some users can have access to only Text or only Chat.