Raiser's Edge NXT Integration-Imports
Importing data into Mongoose from Raiser's Edge NXT requires the use of a "List". A list is a way of defining a group of constituents based on any number of data points within Raiser's Edge.
The List must contain at a minimum:
- Contact ID
- First name
- Last name
- Mobile number
- Last Modified On
The List can bring in additional fields from constituents that we have pre-determined from Raiser's Edge. If there are fields that you'd like to use that are not available, please let us know and we will look to make them available for import mapping.
Import Schedule
Imports run automatically once per day (select one of the 4 available import times).
After the first full import has successfully run, Mongoose will use the DateModified field to identify modified/updated/new added constituents in the List since the last import and only import those contacts. Some import batches may be smaller/larger depending on the number of changes (for example, if only two constituents were added or modified within the List since the last import, Mongoose will only attempt to import those two records, not the entire List).
Import Source
Import Source is where you'll select the List you've created in Raiser's Edge and map all standard and custom fields for import.
1. Select Constituent List
2. Field Mapping
Required Fields: Mongoose has a set of required standard fields that must be mapped in the import. Mongoose standard field names cannot be modified.
Contact Id: By default, Contact Id is mapped to Id(Constituent) as it's required for the integration to properly run. Note that this Id = Record Id in Raiser's Edge. It is not the Constituent ID. If you'd like to bring over the Constituent ID (many schools like to bring this over for reference), you can bring it over as as a custom field.
Note: Contact Id and Last Modified On will be automatically mapped for you as we require those fields to be mapped to specific fields in Raiser's Edge NXT.
Phone Number: When selecting the Standard NXT Phone Number field, by default, Phone number pulls from Primary number in Raiser's Edge.
If you'd like to select a specific Phone Type (mobile, cell, home etc..), click on the "Constituent Specific Phone Types" option.
Here you'll be able to select from additional phone type fields where you may store a number in your instance of NXT. Click "Add Alternate" to add additional phone types if your first phone type preference is blank (Ex: If "Cell is blank on a constituent, bring in "Cell 2").
Once you've selected the phone types you'd like Mongoose to look for on import, select either "Fail Contact" or "Revert to Primary". This option allows you to determine how you want Mongoose to handle a contact if the main and alternate phone types do not have values.
- Revert to Primary-If your main and alternate phone types are blank, Mongoose will pull in the primary number on the contact.
- Fail Contact-If your main and alternate phone types are blank, Mongoose will not pull in primary and instead will fail the contact on import.
Note: Mongoose only looks to the alternate phone type if the first/main phone type is blank. It does not look to the alternate if the number in the first selection is an invalid mobile.
For example, if "Cell" is a landline, the contact will fail import as normal. It will not look to the next option "Cell Phone2 " for a valid mobile number.
Optional Fields: Mongoose provides optional fields for User ID and Opt Out preference (you can learn more about User ID here). If you do not wish to import data from these fields, you can leave them unmapped.
UserID: User ID is optional and can be left blank. If blank, the Send as assigned user and Send to my assigned contacts only functions will not be usable in Mongoose.
If choosing to map User ID, we recommend mapping User ID to the field that contains the staff member the constituent is assigned to in Raiser's Edge NXT.
You will also need to ensure that all users in Mongoose (that are also in Raiser's Edge NXT) have their Mongoose UserID set to/updated to the Raiser's Edge NXT ID. This is to ensure that both user assignment comes over correctly and is required for message activity to send back to Raiser's Edge NXT correctly.
Opted Out: The Opted Out field is optional and can be left blank. If choosing to map the Opted Out field, it will be mapped to the Consent Channel Category that stores constituent preferences for receiving text messages (or communications).
You will also have the option to select how Mongoose treats an empty value (you can select opted in or opted out).
Note: If the required standard fields are not completed, the import page cannot be saved.
To map a field, click "Select". To edit any field mappings click "Edit"
Select a Raiser's Edge NXT field from the dropdown. Once you've selected a field from the drop down, click [Save].
3. Custom Fields
If you have any additional custom field data from constituents that you'd like to bring into Mongoose, you can select and map those as part of your import. Please make sure any additional custom fields are also added to your List.
You can add new fields (25 custom fields are available), edit existing fields or remove (delete) any fields you no longer need.
Mongoose is currently working on adding support for additional fields such as fields containing gift data.
Click [Save] at the bottom to save all changes.
Note: If the required standard fields are not completed, the import page cannot be saved.
Import Logs
This page displays information for the most recent 50 imports. The total number of records in the import, number of successfully imported records, and number of errors are all displayed. Hovering over the number and clicking on the download icon in the Total, Success, or Error columns will generate a .CSV file showing specific records. The error file will provide specific import errors so they can be resolved.
Additionally, there is an option to manually trigger an import at any time if you do not want to wait until the next scheduled automatic import time. You can choose to Import Changes (only added or modified constituents from your List since the last import) or Import All (the entire List of constituents regardless of whether or not the records are newly added or updated since the last import).
Constituents that are manually added in NXT
If a constituent is manually added in NXT, they will not show up in the List and will not be imported. You will need to contact Blackbaud to get these constituents added to the import List. Once they are in the List, they will be imported into Mongoose.