Resolve Import Errors


Mongoose does not import individual records that have errors. Any records that do not have errors will import successfully. When an error occurs for a specific record, it is logged and saved in a file that you can review when the import is complete.

Types of Errors, Causes, and Solutions

A detailed list of potential import errors is included below, including what causes the error and what the suggested solution is. Each section is divided based on the source or cause of the error. Sections include:

  • Errors Related to Mongoose Required Fields
  • Errors Related to Fields
  • Errors Related to Optional Fields (User ID and OptedOut)

Errors Related to Mongoose Required Fields

Mobile Number is required.

  • CauseYou did not include any value in the "MobileNumber" field (i.e., it was blank).
  • Solution: Check your information system to see if a mobile number is present on the contact's record. If not, communicate with the contact via email or phone to obtain a mobile number.

Mobile Number must be recognizable as a valid US telephone number with area code.

  • Cause: The phone number you included in the "MobileNumber" field is not a 10-digit phone number (or an 11-digit phone number that starts with a "1").
  • Solution: Ensure that you are including the area code with imported phone numbers. Mongoose does not currently accept international numbers; check your information system to ensure that phone numbers are stored with the area code in the field and are not international numbers.

Phone number is not a valid mobile number. ( *Note: Requires Phone Number Validation to be activated)
  • Cause: The "MobileNumber" you attempted to import contained a phone number that came back as invalid after it was processed for validation.
  • SolutionCommunicate with the contact via email or phone to attempt to acquire a valid mobile number. Update the contact's record in your information system before trying to import the record again.

FirstName is required 
  • Cause: You did not include a FirstName value on the contact record.
  • SolutionEnsure you are including first names in your import file and try your import again.

LastName is required 
  • Cause: You did not include a LastName value on the contact record.
  • Solution: Ensure you are including last names in your import file and try your import again.

A contact with ID: *** is already assigned mobile number: *** with users: ***"

  • Cause: You cannot import a MobileNumber that has already been imported on another contact's record that has a different StudentId/ContactId. Each contact record in Mongoose must have a unique combination of StudentId/ContactId and MobileNumber.
  • Solution: Check your information system to confirm that each contact has a different record and both records have the same mobile number.
  1. If so, the contacts may be siblings and share the same mobile phone. You may want to only text one of the contacts (i.e., do not import the other and communicate with that contact via email or voice call instead) or update the first and last name that you import into Mongoose to fit both contacts, especially if they have the same last name. This may also require you to modify any additional fields you are bringing over from your information system to fit the combined Mongoose record.
  2. If not, correct the issue in your information system. If the imported Mongoose record is wrong, navigate to Contacts > Search, find the existing contact record, and update the StudentId/ContactId and/or MobileNumber (if necessary). Import updated records for both contacts from your information system.

The provided mobile and identifier both currently exist on two different contact records. The ID 'XXXXX' provided is currently associated with mobile number '(XXX)XXX-XXXX' and the mobile number (XXX)XXX-XXXX provided is currently associated with ID 'XXXXX'

  • Cause: The Mobile Number and Contact ID you're trying to import for a contact already exists in Mongoose but is split on different records. The ID with a different mobile number and the correct mobile number with a different ID
  • Solution: Within Mongoose search and identify the two records that the information is split across.  One of the records will need to be deleted so the other can properly update. Identify which record (usually the one with the least amount of conversation history) to delete. Once deleted, your next import should update the remaining record with the new ID or Mobile. 

More info on how to resolve this error here

Errors Related to Fields

All of the required column names were not present in the header row.

  • Cause: Imports into Mongoose must include the four Mongoose system fields (StudentId/ContactId, FirstName, LastName, MobileNumber) along with any other fields set to Required on your team's Fields page. Any required fields you are including in your import must match the field's name in Mongoose exactly.
  • Solution: Navigate to "Team Name" > Data Management > Fields to confirm required fields for the team. Ensure that all of the required fields are present in the header row of your import file and try the import again.

Update could not be processed as there are fields included that are not set up as custom fields: ****

  • Cause: The header row of your import included a field that is not currently set up on your team's Fields page in Mongoose.
  • Solution: Navigate to "Team Name" > Data Management > Fields to see a list of configured fields. If the field you tried to import is missing, click [Add Field] to add it to the list of allowed fields and try your import again.

Errors Related to Optional Fields (User ID and OptedOut)

User with ID *** does not exist.

  • Cause: The User ID value that you attempted to import with the contact's record does not match the User ID belonging to one of the Mongoose users on the team. If you are importing data manually, the User ID in Mongoose corresponds to the StaffId column in your import file.
  • Solution: Check the error file to see a list of User IDs (called StaffId in manual imports) that caused the records to error. In Mongoose, navigate to "Team Name" > Users and ensure that the users on the team correspond to the individual User IDs you attempted to import. Click the dots to the right of each user and click Edit to view the user's account information, including User ID. Update the User ID on any Mongoose user accounts and/or update the User ID values in your import and try your import again.

An invalid value for Opted Out was provided. Acceptable values are true/false/yes/no/y/n.

  • Cause: The value you included in the OptedOut field does not match one of the accepted values. The OptedOut field is a Mongoose system field and the accepted values are: true, false, yes, no, y, n.
  • Solution: Ensure that only the accepted values are included in your import and try your import again.

Other Errors

Failed to Parse Contact Row

  • Cause: If manually importing data using the copy/paste method, data copied from your spreadsheet and pasted into Mongoose included extra rows and/or columns without data values.
  • Solution: Make sure to only select those columns and rows on your spreadsheet that have data and remove any extra blank columns or rows.

This mobile number appears in the file multiple times - all records will be skipped

  • Cause: Two or more records in your import file have the same value in the MobileNumber field. That value must be unique to each record, so the duplicates will not be imported.
  • Solution: Ensure you have the correct mobile number for each contact in your information system. Change the mobile number on any incorrect records and try your import again.
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